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Get Inspired with Isabella Piña

Get Inspired


YOU ARE Healed (Part 1)

(Romans 10:17 KJV)  So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

You build up your faith for hearing when you hear the Word of God.


The world can give you FACTS but the Word of God gives you the TRUTH.

— Doctors or medical professionals give you FACTS concerning your health, test results or diagnosis.

— The FACTS may be clear and say YOU ARE SICK!

— But you don’t have to STAND on the FACTS… you can STAND on the TRUTH!

— The WORD OF GOD is the TRUTH and the TRUTH says, “YOU ARE HEALED!

— The believers WHO STAND on the word of God ARE NOT moved by the FACTS.


Some Christians allow their FAITH TO FADE with each word spoken by the Doctor.  Well, I am here today to encourage you.




Whose report are you going to believe, God or Man?

— God has not brought you this far, to turn his back on you.

— Don’t give up now!

— Don’t sit around IN doubt and fear, believing that your miracle is not possible.


*** Do not listen to those friends and family members, telling you to do things contrary to the word of God.  You may have to tune-out or separate yourself from these individuals for a period of time in your life, while you tune IN and get IN-sync with the Holy Spirit and the voice of God.


I am not saying, “Do not do what the Doctors require of you”, because I am a healthcare professional myself… I am just saying, “Make sure you are led by the Holy Spirit in your decision making.”


Tune IN to God and the Holy Spirit.  Listen to the voice of God.


Isaiah, looking FORWARD 700 years, TO THE CROSS, said:

(Isaiah 53:4,5 KJV)  Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted.  But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.

— Jesus already PAID for your sickness.

— He already BORE our diseases.

— By His stripes we have ALREADY been healed!


Peter, looking BACK AT THE CROSS, said:

(1 Peter 2:24 KJV) Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed.

— Isaiah, looking forward said, “We ARE healed!

— Peter, looking back at the finished work of Jesus on the cross, said, “We WERE healed!


*** TAKE YOUR HEALING by faith… the HEALING JESUS provided by GRACE!


*** Do not allow what you SEE to change what you BELIEVE or SAY!


Get Inspired to see yourself HEALED!


Get Inspired to believe God for your HEALING!


Get Inspired to live LONG and STRONG!


Jesus already paid for your healing… it is available to you by GRACE.  Now God expects you to use YOUR FAITH to access HIS GRACE!


Walk in your healing.

See you next week!