
Vision (Part 1)
This week I am starting a new series on VISION. I truly believe this series is going to be a blessing to you.
— Vision is more insight than it is sight.
— Vision is being able to see beyond where your eyes can look.
— Sight is common, vision is rare.
(Prov 29:18 NIV) Where there is no revelation, the people cast off restraint; but blessed is he who keeps the law.
— People with Vision don’t do everything.
— Their vision restrains them.
— Their vision keeps them focused.
— Their vision makes their life simple.
Vision gives pain a purpose. Those without vision spend their lives taking the path of least resistance as they try to avoid discomfort.
The late Dr. Myles Munroe said “Vision is foresight, birthed from insight, with the benefit of hindsight.” He also said, “Sight is the function of the eyes. But Vision is a function of the heart.”
Get Inspired receive divine vision from God for your life!
Get Inspired to maximize that vision before you die!
Until next week….
Stay Inspired!