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The Greatness of God’s Love

This week I will continue to teach on the love of God.  This is God’s Love (Part 3).  This message is entitled, “The Greatness of God’s Love”.


Here are a few highlights from the message:


God gave His only Son:

— Jesus left a beautiful place like heaven and came down to this sinful world, to teach us how to live like heaven on earth.

— Jesus was tortured for us.  He died a painful, miserable and dishonorable death for us.

— Jesus made the ultimate sacrifice to reinstate love back into the world.


— When Adam sinned, he drew a wedge between us and God; but God NEVER STOPPED loving us!

— God’s Love is in action every day of our lives.

— We are God’s Children and we get to call Him, “Daddy!”

— We are called to love others the way God loves us… NO MATTER WHAT!

— If we see people the way God sees them, we can love them the way God loves them!

— We are NOTHING without Love (1 Cor 13), but we can be EVERYTHING in God, who IS LOVE!


In closing,

—  Get inspired to allow the love of God to flow TO You!

—  Get inspired to allow the love of God to flow THROUGH You!


Until next time, stay inspired.

God Bless,
