
When Loving You Is Right (Part 2)
My last message was a special message about God’s love entitled, “When Loving You Is Right.” This is Part 2. I truly believe this message is going to be a blessing to you. Please watch with an open heart, ready to hear God’s voice behind my own.
Here are a few highlights of the message:
— You cannot love God’s way with Him. God’s love is beyond human ability. God’s love is not human love.
— Forgiveness frees you! When you are done wrong and you then choose to carry bitterness and unforgiveness in your heart concerning the wrong done, then you are allowing yourself to be wronged twice. You are wrong by the other person and you are wronging yourself, by carrying the weight, bitterness and pain of the situation.
— God’s love can free you from the pain of your past, and then empower you to love others; even those who did you wrong!
— True love enables true forgiveness.
Please watch the message and enjoy.
Until next time,
Stay inspired,