You are LOVE (Part 4)
God has told me to tell some of you out there to let go of the of the past…. it is hindering your blessing.
Many of us spend too much time focusing on the past.
No matter what is going on in your life. God is LOVE. He loves you and His love will see you through it!
That TRUTH never changes.
Whatever happens to us in life, happens to us for a reason.
* But remember, whatever it is, GOD has already given us the power to endure whatever comes our way. THAT POWER IS CALLED GRACE!
Love your neighbors as yourself is a mandate.
The scripture does not say love your neighbor when:
- They agree with everything you have to say
- They are living the life you believe they should live
- if they say and do all the right things
You LOVE them no matter what, with all their imperfections
- You are not perfect either
- And God uses others to love you!
* We are all imperfect people and God loves us so much and he blesses and favors us everyday.
He showers us with his love everyday and we should do the same for each other.
We should love with the love of God even when it hurts, because God is love.
I will end with this:
Did you know that your words are like seeds?
In fact, you are where you are today because of what you’ve been saying about yourself.
Your abilities are at the level they are today because of what you have been telling yourself you can or cannot do.
You must take a closer look at the words you are saying. Proverbs 18:21 says, “The tongue can bring death or life.”
If you are having difficulties loving, maybe you may want to watch what you are saying.
You can bless your future with your words.
Let the LOVE of God be the foundation of your words and actions!